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Advancing responsible research assessment: implications for librarians
[ Скачать с сервера (82.0 Kb) ] 25.09.2021, 15:46

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 Advancing responsible research assessment: implications for librarians // Cindy Minor // May 6 2021 // 56 mins


Research assessment should not be centered solely on bibliometrics such as publication and citation metrics but should encompass other measures that address the broad range of assessment-related questions. These cover research inputs, outputs and outcomes, such as funding, collaboration, usage, commercialization and the adoption of innovation. As more diverse data sources and metrics are used, a richer and more informative picture of research emerges.

The International Center for the Study of Research (ICSR) was established by Elsevier in 2019 with a mission to further the study of research and thus to contribute to the evidence base supporting the practice of research strategy, evaluation and policy. In 2020, ICSR and Elsevier signed the Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA) and endorsed the Leiden Manifesto for Research Metrics, two internationally-recognized statements of best practice in responsible research assessment.

In this Library Connect webinar, Christopher Belter will discuss what responsible research assessment might look like in practice for a large biomedical funding agency. ICSR staff members Andrew Plume and Holly Falk-Krzesinski will then discuss the recommendations of both DORA and the Leiden Manifesto and their implications for Elsevier as well as for librarians and their users.

M.J. Tooey, Associate Vice President, Academic Affairs and Executive Director, Health Sciences and Human Services Library, University of Maryland, Baltimore
Christopher Belter, Program Analyst, Eunice Kennedy Shriver NICHD Development
Holly Falk-Krzesinski, Vice President, Research Intelligence, Elsevier
Andrew Plume, President, International Center for the Study of Research; and Senior Director of Research Evaluation, Elsevier



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